Repair Technician Sex-Male Species-Verpine Height-5'10" Weight-210 lbs Age-Unknown A Quote: I can fix that, just don't let the Filvan near it... Description-Zraii is a Verpine with a blue jump suit and tool kit belt. DEXTERITY 2D Blaster 3D+1, dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 3D value: starships 4D+2 MECHANICAL 2D+1 Astrogation 3D, starfighter piloting 3D+2, starship gunnery 3D PERCEPTION 3D+2 Bargain 4D, Hide 4D+2, search 5D, sneak 4D STRENGTH 2D Brawling 3D+2, lifting 5D TECHNICAL 5D Computer programming/repair 5D+2, droid programming 6D, droid repair 6D+1, repulsorlift repair 5D+1, security 5D+2, space transports repair 6D+2, starfighter repair 7D+2, starfighter repair: X-wing starfighter 9D+1, starship weapon repair 7D Special Abilities: Body Armor: The Verpine's natural chitinous plates gives them a +1D vs. physical attacks. Microscopic Sight: +1D bonus to search when looking for small objects, due to their highly evolved eyes. Organic Telecommunication: Because Verpine can send and receive radio waves through their antenna, they have the ability to communicate with other members of their species and with specially-tuned comlinks. The range is very limited when they are acting individually (1 km) but greatly increases when in the hive (covers the entire Roche asteroid field). Technical Bonus: All Verpine receive a +2D bonus when using their Technical skills. Force Points: 1 Character Points: 8 Move: 10 Equipment: technical kit History: This Verpine was a member of the support team for Wedge Antilles' Rogue Squadron. He was from the asteroid Roche G42. He was in charge of keeping Rogue Squadron's X-Wings in tip-top shape, and he worked hard to keep from tinkering with the ships. His Verpine mentality often got the best of him, though, and small modifications were always showing up. As luck would have it, Zraii's modifications often improved the Rogues' performance. |