Pilot Sex-Male Species-Wrooian Height-5'11" Weight-175 lbs Age-late 20's A Quote-"Your odd of surviving this mission without me are here (indicates with his hand) and with me helping on the mission, here (indicates with his hand again)." DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 4D, (S) Blaster: Blaster Carbine 5D, Dodge 5D+2 KNOWLEDGE 2D Survival 4D, (S) Tactics: Starfighter Combat 4D MECHANICAL 4D Astrogation 5D, Communications 5D, Sensors 5D, Starfighter Piloting 5D, (S) Starfighter Piloting: X-Wing 7D, Starship Gunnery 6D, Starship Shields 5D PERCEPTION 3D Command 4D, (S) Gambling: Sabbaac 4D, Sneak 4D STRENGTH 3D Brawling 4D TECHNICAL 3D Starfighter Repair 4D Force Sen.?-Yes Force Points-3 Darkside Points-0 Character Points-7 Move-10 Equipment: Rebel Alliance flight suit, X-Wing Fighter, SoroSuub Quicksnap 36T Blaster Carbine (Damage 5D), A/KT Tuff 1 Combat Jumpsuit (+1D to physical; +2 to energy), comlink History: |