Template-Astrogation Droid
Sex-N/A Species-Droid Height-3'6" Weight-120 lbs. A Qoute-My ship...Baw-ha-haw Description-a rebuilt R2 astrogation droid, colored red and bronze Dexterity:1D Dodge:3D+2 Knowledge:1D Planetary Systems:5D, Value:3D Mechanical:3D Astrogation:5D, Starship Piloting:4D+2, Starship Gunnery:4D+2, Starship Shields:4D+2 Perception:2D Strength:1D Lifting:1D+2 Technology:2D Computer Program/Repair:4D+2,Droid Program/Repair:4D+2, Starship Repair:5D+2, Repulsorlift Repair:4D+2, Security:5D Force Sen. ?- No Force Points- 1 Darkside Points- 0 Character Points- 3 Move-8 Equipped with: -Three wheeled legs (one retractable) -Retractable fine work grasper arm -Extendible 0.3 meter long video sensor (360-degree rotation) -Small electric arc welder (1D to 5D dammage, 0.3 meter range) -Small circular saw (4D damage, 0.3 meteer range) -A retractable Scomplink (+1D to Computeer Program/Repair and Security checks) -Video display screen -Holographic projector/recorder -Fire extinguisher -Vocabulator speech/sound system -Small (20 cm. By 8cm) internal cargo arrea -Some additional tools and equipment History: R2-C4 was a small astromech droid that J.S. Boggins had specially made for him by Harry the Jawa. Built from scrap parts the droid was incredibly resilient and known for it's feisty nature. (In truth parts from C4 were later used in the construction of the R2 unit known as 'Spitfire') The droid was rigged with a thermal detonator to keep people from taking Boggin's X-Wing. (The idea seemed crazy to Harry who mentioned it to Boggins, only to get the thousand yard stare...) The droid ended up being destroyed, along with Boggin's X-Wing 'Bess', during the battle on Yazar-5. He was later rebuilt as the droid known as 'Spitfire' by Harry and sold to Ash while he was on Tatooine. Spitfire runs the day to day activities on 'The Longshot'. ("his" ship...) |