
Stats by Derek 'Dude' Thornton


Dexterity: 3D
Dodge: 4D, Flying: 6D+1

Perception: 3D+2
Hide: 7D+2, Sneak: 7D, Search: 6D

Strength: 3D
Brawling: 4D, Stamina: 5D+2

Force Sen.? - No
Force Points- 1
Darkside Points- 1
Character Points- 2
Move – 10, Flying - 15

Special Abilities:
Immune to Organic Disease, Transforming Ability (May be performed as a reactive action at the loss of 1D to all other action in the round), Claws – STR+1D, Search Sensors (+2D to Perception to all hearing based rolls), Can see in darkness and detect heat patterns at normal visual range
