Optimus Prime

Stats by Derek 'Dude' Thornton

Optimus Prime
Template- Autobot Leader / Freedom Fighter
Species- Autobot / Cybertronian
Height-11.89 Meters
Weight- 44.7 Tons
Age- Unknown, Believed to be Late middle aged
A Quote-“Autobots, transform and roll out!”

Dexterity: 2D+2
Blaster: 5D+2, (S) Heavy Ion Blaster: 9D, Dodge: 6D, Grenade: 5D, Melee Combat 5D+2, (S) Energon Axe: 8D, Running: 4D+2, Vehicle Blasters: 6D+1

Knowledge: 3D+1
Bureaucracy:4D, Scholar: Cybertronian History: 7D+2, Scholar: Autobot Leaders: 7D+1, Planetary Systems: 5D+2, Streetwise:4D, Survival:5D, Tactics:7D, Willpower:5D,

Astrogation: 5D, Capital Ship Piloting: 5D, Capital Ship Gunnery: 5D+2, Capital Ship Shields: 5D, Ground Vehicle Ops.: 6D+1, Jet Pack Opps.:4D+2, Repulsorlift Opps.:5D, Starship Piloting:4D+2, Starship Gunnery:5D+2, Sensors: 3D+1

Bargain: 4D, Command 6D, (S) Autobots: 9D, Persuasion: 7D+1, Hide:5D+2, Sneak:6D+1, Search:6D, Willpower: 7D+1

Brawling: 7D+2, Stamina:6D+1, Lifting:7D, Climb/Jump: 5D+2

Demolitions:4D+2, Security:5D+2, Computer Program/Repair: 4D, Droid Program/Repair: 4D+1

Force Sen.?-Yes
Force Points- 5
Darkside Points-0
Character Points -30
Move – 13

Special Abilities:
Immune to Organic Disease, Walker Scaled Character (4D scale difference between Character and Walker), Transforming Ability (May be performed as a reactive action at the loss of 1D to all other action in the round)

Vehicle Form:
Craft: 18 Wheel Mack Semi-Trailer Truck
Type: Heavy Cargo Hauler
Scale: Walker
Length: 17.5 meters (Including Trailer)
Skill: Ground Vehicle Operation: Big Rig / 18 Wheeler
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Varies Widely
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 135 Metric Tons
Cover: Full (For Passengers)
Altitude Range: Ground level-20 Meters
Move: 70; 200 kmh
Body Strength: 5D (Strength)

Heavy Ion Blaster – 6D 25-75 / 225 / 450, Energon Axe – Str + (3D+1), Jet Pack – Vertical 2000 meters and Horizontal 5000 meters; 10 charges
