Engineer Sex-Female Species-Human Height-5'6" Weight-120 lbs Age-24+ A Quote-I don't want to know this now. DEXTERITY 2D+1 Blaster 4D, Dodge 3D+2 KNOWLEDGE 3D Streetwise 3D MECHANICAL 3D+1 Communications 4D, Sensors 4D, Space Transports 5D, Starfighter Piloting 3D+2, Starship Gunnery 4D+1 PERCEPTION 3D Bargain 3D+2, Investigation 3D+2 STRENGTH 2D+2 TECHNICAL 4D Space Transports Repair 6D, Starfighter Repair 6D, (A) Starfighter Engineering 1D+2, Starship Weapons Repair 6D, (A) Starship Weapons Engineering 2D Force Sensitive?: Yes Force Points: 1 Character Points: 5 Move: 10 Equipment: Starship Repair Tool Kit (+1D to all repair skills), Medpac, Datapad with starship schematics, tool-harness. Vacc Suit, 100 credits History: Specialist Cally is a deckhand aboard Battlestar Galactica assigned to Chief Galen Tyrol. At the time of the Cylon Attack on the Twelve Colonies, she is attached to Deck Crew 5 and responsible for Viper and Raptor maintenance. She is particularly adept at finding ways around the lack of replacement parts aboard Galactica, seen in her jury-rigging of several Vipers and Raptors. Cally only joined the Colonial Fleet as a means to pay for dental school. |